Mastering OpenAI’s New o1 Model: Prompt Tips

Can one AI model beat human experts in many complex tasks? OpenAI’s new o1 model is making waves in tech circles.

The o1 model is special because it can break down tough problems into smaller steps. This is thanks to reinforcement learning, making it better at math, science, and coding.

To get the most out of the o1 model, you need to know how to prompt it well. This article will show you how to use the o1 model for top results in math, science, and coding.

Key Takeaways

  • The o1 model’s “chain of thought” process enables it to excel in complex problem-solving scenarios.
  • Reinforcement learning has made the o1 model’s step-by-step reasoning more consistent and reliable.
  • Proper prompting techniques are crucial for leveraging the o1 model’s full capabilities.
  • The o1 model demonstrates impressive performance in areas like math, science, and coding.
  • Understanding the o1 model’s unique features can help you unlock its true potential.

Understanding OpenAI’s Groundbreaking o1 Model

OpenAI’s latest AI, the o1 model, is a big step forward in AI. It works like humans do, solving problems step by step. This method, called System II thinking, makes the AI better at reasoning and safer to use.

What is the o1 Model?

The o1 model is a new AI from OpenAI that can solve problems like humans do. It uses learning to think deeply and strategically, leading to better results.

Key Advantages of the o1 Model

The o1 model solves problems in a unique way. It got a 74% score on the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) 2024. With a special method, its score jumped to 93%, ranking it among the top students nationally.

It also beat PhD experts on the GPQA Diamond test in chemistry, physics, and biology. The o1 model is not just good at math and science. It excels in many subjects, making it very useful.

OpenAI has made two new models, o1-preview and o1-mini, to make AI more accessible. The o1-mini is great for STEM tasks and is 80% cheaper than the o1-preview.

“The o1 model’s groundbreaking performance extends beyond the realm of mathematics and science. It has surpassed GPT-4o on 54 out of 57 categories in the MMLU benchmark, which tests understanding across a wide range of subjects, including history, law, and science.”

The o1 models have made big strides in AI reasoning. The o1-preview model scored 83% on a math exam, beating GPT-4o’s 13%. It also does well in coding and is among the top students in the AIME.

The o1-mini is cheaper, priced 80% lower than the o1-preview. The o1 models are available to ChatGPT Plus and Team users, with plans to expand access soon.

While the o1 models are more expensive, they are a big step forward in AI. Their impact on AI and its uses will be huge.

The o1 model did great on the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), solving 83% of problems. It also did well in “jailbreaking” tests, showing its advanced abilities.

The o1 models are pricier but the o1-mini is a cheaper option for coding tasks. However, they respond slower than other ChatGPT models and have message limits.

The o1 models have their limits, like not being able to browse the web or handle multimedia. But they excel in complex tasks like science, coding, and math.

How to Prompt OpenAI’s New o1 Model

Getting the most out of OpenAI’s o1 model requires smart prompting. Unlike earlier models, the o1 model tackles complex problems step by step. It’s key to give clear instructions that help the model break tasks into smaller steps.

By crafting prompts that match the o1 model’s strengths, you can get more accurate answers. This is especially true in areas like STEM, coding, and science. OpenAI suggests keeping prompts simple and not over-directing the model, as it understands instructions well.

Prompt engineering is now a crucial skill. It helps people get specific answers from AI models. The community is still figuring out the best ways to use the o1 model, including adjusting prompts for ChatGPT.

Prompt Technique Effectiveness with o1 Model
Straightforward Prompts Highly Effective
Instructing the Model May Not Enhance Performance and Can Sometimes Hinder It
Shot Prompting May Not Enhance Performance and Can Sometimes Hinder It

To get the best from the o1 model, give clear, structured prompts. This lets the model tackle complex tasks step by step. By using straightforward prompts and the model’s understanding, users can fully utilize this advanced AI.

“I noticed a mismatch between the first letters of 1 Across and 1 Down. Considering ‘CONS’ instead of ‘LIES’ for 1 Across to ensure alignment.” – Ethan Mollick, after previewing the o1 models.

The new o1 models from OpenAI show big improvements in reasoning. They can explain their steps and adapt to solve tough problems. By focusing on prompt engineering and using the model’s strengths, users can unlock its full potential.

  1. Provide clear, well-structured prompts that allow the o1 model to break down tasks into manageable steps.
  2. Keep prompts simple and direct, without excessively guiding the model, as the o1 model has a strong understanding of instructions.
  3. Explore prompt engineering techniques to refine the specifics of your requests and achieve the desired responses from the o1 model.
  4. Be patient and allow the o1 model sufficient time to engage in its deliberate, step-by-step thought process, as response times may vary depending on the complexity of the task.

By using these techniques, you can unlock the o1 model’s full potential. This will give you the best results from this groundbreaking AI technology.

Unleashing the o1 Model’s Potential in STEM

The o1 model, created by OpenAI, shows great promise in solving tough STEM problems. It uses a step-by-step approach and advanced skills. This makes it a strong tool for solving hard math problems and improving scientific thinking.

Solving Complex Math Problems

In math, the o1 model has done very well. It scored up to 93% on the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME). This score would put it among the top 500 students in the country.

The model breaks down math problems into smaller steps. It then solves them one by one. This has made it much more accurate than earlier AI systems.

Mastering Scientific Reasoning

The o1 model is also great at science, beating even human experts on tests like GPQA-diamond. This test covers chemistry, physics, and biology. Its success shows it can help with complex scientific ideas and problems in STEM fields.

As the o1 model gets better, it will likely do even more in STEM. Its ongoing development could open up new areas in science and math. It will help people and places work on STEM projects even more.

Coding and Programming with the o1 Model

OpenAI’s o1 model is a big help in coding and programming. It solves problems step by step, showing its skill in contests like Codeforces. This makes it great at writing and fixing complex code.

Debugging and Optimizing Code

The o1 model is great for finding and fixing code problems. It explains its thought process, helping users spot and fix errors. It also helps improve code by trying different solutions.

Studies show the o1 model is very good at solving tough programming problems. It beats other AI models in solving logical problems and gets 100% right on some puzzles. It even solved a tricky puzzle in just 83 seconds.

The o1 model is getting better at coding and programming. Its clear thinking and systematic solving make it a valuable tool for developers.

Feature o1-mini o1-preview
Cost 80% cheaper than o1-preview
Rate Limit 20 RPM 20 RPM
Accessibility Tiers 1-4 don’t have access Tier 5 can prototype
Capabilities Answered a difficult question in 23 seconds Comparable to PhD students on challenging benchmarks

“The o1 model’s transparent thought process allows users to better understand its decision-making, making it easier to identify and fix errors.”

Beyond STEM: o1’s Versatility Across Domains

OpenAI’s o1 model has made big strides in STEM fields. But it’s also great in many other areas. Its skill in detailed, step-by-step thinking makes it useful in lots of ways.

The o1 model did well on the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. It covered 57 different subjects and beat the GPT-4o model in 54 of them. It also did well in medical image analysis, scoring 78.2% on the Multimodal Medical Machine Understanding (MMMU) benchmark. This is as good as human experts.

This shows the o1 model can help in many fields, like healthcare, education, business, and creative work. It lets users solve complex problems and find new ways to do things. This goes beyond just STEM.

  • The o1-mini model aims to expand its capabilities beyond STEM subjects to handle a broader range of tasks in the future.
  • The o1-mini’s optimized focus on STEM reasoning tasks allows it to excel in mathematics and coding benchmarks.

As the o1 model keeps getting better, it will open up new ways to solve problems. This will be in many different industries and fields.

“The o1 model’s ability to excel across a wide range of subjects, from STEM fields to creative endeavors, is a testament to its extraordinary versatility and potential to transform the way we approach complex challenges.”

Balancing Power and Safety: o1’s Ethical Implications

OpenAI’s o1 model is changing the game in artificial intelligence. It has the power to change many fields, like education and science. But, with this power comes a big responsibility.

Transparency and Trust in AI

OpenAI knows how important it is to develop AI responsibly. They’ve put in place strong safety measures for the o1 model. In tests, the o1-preview model scored an 84 out of 100 on safety, a big jump from the GPT-4o model’s 22.

This better safety is thanks to the o1 model’s clear thought process. This makes it easier for users to understand and trust the AI’s choices.

OpenAI is making the model’s reasoning clear to build trust and accountability. This reduces the chance of mistakes or misuse. As the o1 model is used more, keeping a balance between power and safety is key to earning public trust.

The o1 model’s pricing is higher than the GPT-4o model’s. This is to prevent misuse and encourage careful use. Also, there’s a limit of 20 requests per minute for the o1 API, to prevent misuse.

The o1 model’s impact goes beyond its current uses. OpenAI has checked the model using the Preparedness Framework. It found the model to be medium risk in areas like cybersecurity and persuasion.

This shows OpenAI is serious about tackling risks and developing AI responsibly. As the o1 model grows, keeping transparency, trust, and ethics will be crucial. OpenAI is leading the way in using AI responsibly, opening up new possibilities while protecting the public.

Emerging Use Cases and Future Developments

The o1 model’s launch marks a big step in AI’s growth. It’s opening up new areas for use, from STEM fields to medical image analysis. OpenAI is making it better, aiming to use it in many fields like science, education, and healthcare.

OpenAI is also adding new features to the o1 model. These include web browsing and file uploads, making it even more useful. As AI gets better, the o1 model will help solve complex problems with more accuracy.

  • The o1-preview model correctly solved 83% of problems in a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO).
  • o1-preview reached the 89th percentile in Codeforces coding competitions.
  • o1-mini model is designed to be 80% cheaper than o1-preview, while retaining the core strengths of the o1 series.
  • ChatGPT Plus and Team users initially have weekly rate limits of 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini.
  • Developers in API tier 5 can start prototyping with both models with a rate limit of 20 RPM.
  • o1-preview excels in scientific research, mathematics, and coding, while o1-mini is suitable for cost-effective coding, workflow automation, and debugging and optimization tasks.

As the o1 model evolves, we’ll see new uses for AI. Its future looks bright, changing how we solve problems and opening new doors to innovation.

“The potential for deploying smaller models on edge devices with limited computational resources opens up new possibilities for AI-powered applications, such as intelligent assistants on smartphones or smart home devices with offline processing capabilities.”


The launch of OpenAI’s o1 model is a big step forward in artificial intelligence. It brings us closer to AI systems that think more like us. The o1 model solves problems by breaking them down into smaller steps. This has led to great results in STEM, coding, and scientific thinking.

Its clear thought process also makes it safer and more trustworthy. This makes it easier for people to understand and work with the AI.

The o1 model is getting better and will change many industries and uses. It will help people solve complex problems with more accuracy and confidence. The o1 model is a big step towards AI that can think and solve problems like humans. It shows the importance of this new model in AI.

There are worries about unfair advantages and the need for specific uses. But the o1 model’s flexibility and openness offer ways to solve these issues. As it grows, the o1 model’s role in shaping AI’s future is huge. Its effects will be seen in many areas.


What is the o1 model?

The o1 model is a new AI system by OpenAI. It’s a big step in AI problem-solving. Unlike old models, it thinks deeply before answering.It breaks down big problems into smaller steps. This makes it better at solving complex issues.

What are the key advantages of the o1 model?

The o1 model is great at solving problems. It’s safe and clear in its thinking. It’s also good at hard tasks like math and coding.

How can I effectively prompt the o1 model?

To get the most from the o1 model, give it clear instructions. Break down tasks into smaller steps. This helps the model understand what to do.

How does the o1 model perform in STEM disciplines?

The o1 model is excellent in STEM fields. It’s very good at math, scoring up to 93% on tough exams. It also beats humans in scientific tests.

Can the o1 model be used for coding and programming tasks?

Yes, the o1 model is great for coding. It’s reached the 89th percentile in programming contests. It can write and check complex code easily.

How versatile is the o1 model beyond STEM disciplines?

The o1 model is very versatile. It’s good at many subjects, not just STEM. It even does well in medical image analysis.

What ethical considerations are involved in the development and use of the o1 model?

OpenAI made the o1 model safe and reliable. It scored 84 out of 100 in safety tests. This is a big jump from the previous model’s score.This safety comes from the o1 model’s clear thinking. It helps users trust the AI’s decisions.

Source Links

  1. OpenAI’s New o1 Model –
  2. o1: OpenAI’s New Model That ‘Thinks’ Before Answering Tough Problems –
  3. OpenAI’s o1 reasoning models are a significant step forward in complex reasoning – SD Times –
  4. OpenAI o1: A New Series of OpenAI Models for AI Reasoning by Abirami Vina –
  5. OpenAI o1 Models: The Latest in AI Reasoning –
  6. OpenAI’s New o1 Model: A Leap Forward in AI Reasoning Capabilities –
  7. How to prompt on OpenAI’s new o1 models –
  8. Notes on OpenAI’s new o1 chain-of-thought models –
  9. How to Use GPT-o1 Models without Paying for ChatGPT Plus Subscription –
  10. Say Hello to OpenAI o1: Preview Release of a New Model Now Available (First in a Series of “Reasoning” Models) –
  11. New reasoning models: OpenAI o1-preview and o1-mini –
  12. Is OpenAI’s New “o1” Model The Big Step Forward We’ve Been Waiting For? –
  13. New ChatGPT-o1-mini excels at STEM, especially math and coding –
  14. OpenAI o1: Overview of o1-preview, o1-mini, Benchmark, Limits, Pricing, and System Card –
  15. Yael Rozencwajg on LinkedIn: 📌 OpenAI's new reasoning models: a game-changer for decision… –
  16. Exploring OpenAI’s Latest Innovations: o1-preview and o1-mini –
  17. Testing OpenAI’s GPT-o1: Incredible outputs with one request – creating a complete McKinsey Strategy Deliverable with AI — Shep Bryan –
  18. Why OpenAI o1’s Training Method Will Open a Golden Age for Open Source Small Language Models –
  19. Making Logical Sense Of The Newly Launched OpenAI ‘o1’ Model That ‘Thinks’ Longer And Keeps Hidden Its Ace-In-The-Hole Chain-Of-Thought –
  20. Introducing OpenAI o1-preview | New OpenAI Announcement –

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